From Past to Present
Starting as a small factory serving local markets in north east of Romania, our company has developed into a diversified garment manufacturing group exporting worldwide. Our story is marked by resilience and optimism, always looking to adapt and grow while cherishing our humble beginnings.
The very start
A small state owned factory of 170 people is established in the small town of Dorohoi, Romania, producing work equipment for locals.
CONTED is the name
Reaching 607 workers by 1967, the factory quickly established itself as an impactful Romanian manufacturer. The company name CONTED was registered, acronym for CONFECTION TEXTILE DOROHOI.
Going abroad
With a vision to make an impact in the tailoring industry, CONTED initiates its pivoting towards suit manufacturing. The strategy was to start with school uniforms, which is the first product CONTED managed to export internationally.
Major milestone
Employing over 2700 people, CONTED completed its transition towards tailoring, with men’s suits becoming the company’s core expertise. Manufacturing over 600,000 pieces a year, CONTED reached its goal of becoming an impactful player in the European tailoring industry.
Going public
CONTED is robust enough to officially enter the Bucharest stock market, welcoming investments from investors worldwide.
By 1995 the Romanian state had no more shares in the company.
1992 - 1995
Key partnerships
Starting 1992, Mr Haissam Hamidi founds HMD, a garment manufacturing agency based in Paris. HMD quickly becomes a crucial partner to CONTED, helping its expansion and implementation in the UK and French markets.
2000 - 2010
Stepping up
The partnership between HMD and CONTED allowed both companies to benefit from common synergies and step firmly into the premium-luxury garment market, building close relationships with top brands worldwide, and expanding production internationally.
Joining forces
Mr Haissam Hamidi, founder and CEO of HMD, purchases 80% of CONTED stock and becomes majority owner and chairman of the company board. Shortly after, the decision was made to make CONTED and HMD part of the same group.